Mongolia is in central Asia. Its capital city is Ulan Bator which lies on the banks of the River Tuul and is surrounded by impressive mountains. The mountains offer much to the hunter, but also demand a lot back from him.
Game species
Mongolian legislation on hunting is strict. You need a Mongolian hunting licence and licences are issued for the species you want to hunt. We must apply for these licences in good time to ensure that we can guarantee that everything will run smoothly. As fewer and fewer licences for the well-known wild sheep species (Altai, Hangai, and Gobi Argali) are being issued, we recommend that you book and plan this trip well in advance.
Argali is the Mongolian word for wild sheep but it is commonly used by hunters and biologists to denote all sheep of the Ammon species (Ovis ammon). Three sub-types of this species are to be found in Mongolia, the High Altai Argali, the Hangai Argali and the Gobi Argali. We organize hunts for all three wild sheep (the Altai, Hangai and the Gobi Argali) as well as for the Altai and Gobi Ibex and Maral. The particular feature of all three Argalis is the massive base and thickness of the curved horns. The hunter stalks the game on foot, but horses or 4x4 vehicles are used for travel to and from the hunting ground. You must expect that you will be shooting at a range of between 150 and 400 metres in all cases.
Altai Argali / (Ovis ammon ammon)
The Altai wild sheep is the largest of these sheep species and can be found in the western Altai mountain chain which extends from north-western to southern Mongolia. It is the largest wild sheep in the world, with a shoulder height of 120 cm or even more, as well as a body weight of up to 200 kg or more. You must be in good physical condition for this hunt.
Hunting season: 01. July - 01. October
A realistic trophy size for the Altai Argali in the Uvs Region (North West Altai) is 52 - 55 inches (132 - 140 cm) curvature length and a base circumference of about 18 - 23 inches (46 - 58 cm). In the region of Bayan Ulgi and Kovd the trophy size of the High Altai Argali are better and you can expect a trophy of 56 - 59 inch (142 - 150 cm) curvature length and a base circumference of about 18 - 23 inches (46 - 58 cm).
Every year Altai Argalis of up to 60 inches and more are shot but these are exceptional and pre scouting is required. You will be hunting at a height of between 2,700 and 3,300 meters.
Hangai Argali / (Ovis ammon mongolica)
The Hangai Argali live in the south-western Hangai Mountains, the mountain chain in Central Mongolia which extends over most of the country. The sheep was previously called the Middle Altai Argali but is now known as the Hangai Argali. Hangai Argali wild sheep are smaller than the High Altai Argali but larger than the Gobi Argali; their body and trophy size is more or less between the two.
Hunting season: 01. July - 01. October
A realistic trophy size for the Hangai Argali is in the region of 46 - 52 inches (117 - 132 cm) curvature length and a base circumference of about 16 - 18 inches (40 - 46 cm).
Hangai Argali hunts are easier than hunts for the Altai Argali or Altai Ibex. 4x4 vehicles are used for travel to the hunting ground; once there, the animals are stalked on foot. You will shoot the Hangai sheep at a range of between 150 and 400 meters.
Gobi Argali / (Ovis ammon darwini)
The Gobi Argali live in the mountains of the Gobi desert in the south and south-west of Mongolia. Gobi Argali are smaller than their close relatives, the Altai Argali, both in terms of body and trophy size.
Huntin season: 01. July - 01. October
A realistic trophy size for Gobi Argali is in the region of 43 - 49 inches (110 - 125 cm) curvature length and a base circumference of about 16 inches (40 cm). You will be hunting at a height of between 1,000 and 2,000 meters. Gobi Argali hunts are easier than hunts for the Altai Argali or Altai Ibex. Gobi Argali areas can be reached by car in 6-8 hours from Ulan Bator. 4x4 vehicles are used for travel in the hunting ground; once there, the animals are stalked on foot. You will shoot the Gobi sheep at a range of between 150 and 400 meters.
Depending on the availability of licences, you can combine this hunts.
The journey:
Day 1 - Arrival in UB where you will be met at the airport and travel to the camp by 4x4 vehicle or domestic flight/private charter flight; alternatively you stay overnight at a hotel in UB and transfer by 4x4 vehicle/by plane on Day 2.
Day 2 - Transfer/flight to the camp as appropriate, preparations for the hunt and test shots
Days 3 - 12 - Ten days hunting but once you have bagged the trophies you booked, the hunt will come to an end and you will return to UB.
Day 13 - Latest return journey to UB; flight home.
Altai Ibex / (Capra sibirica sibirica)
You will hunt these animals in the Altai Mountains in western Mongolia. You must be in good physical condition for this hunt. The hunting season is from 1st July to 15th October. The hunt is professionally organized and at the time of your arrival in camp your guides know where the Ibex are to be found. A realistic trophy length for the Altai Ibex is in the region of 40 - 45 inches (100 - 114 cm). You will be hunting at a height of between 2,700 and 3,300 meters. You will shoot the Altai Ibex at a range of between 150 and 400 meters.
Hunting season: 01. July - 15. October
Depending on the availability of licences, you can combine this hunt with that of High Altai Argali, Hangai Argali, Gobi Argali, Gobi Ibex and Wapiti.
Gobi Ibex / (Capra Sibirica Hagenbecki)
The Gobi Ibex is distributed across several separate mountain chains in south and south-west Mongolia. The hunting season is from 1st July to 15th October. The hunt is professionally organized and at the time of your arrival in camp your guides know where the Ibex are to be found. A realistic trophy length for the Gobi Ibex is in the region of 35 - 45 inches (90 - 114 cm). You will be hunting at a height of between 1,000 and 2,000 meters. You will shoot the Gobi Ibex at a range of between 150 and 400 meters.
Hunting season: 01. July - 15. October
Depending on the availability of licences, you can combine this hunt with that of High Altai Argali, Hangai Argali, Gobi Argali, Altai Ibex and Wapiti.
The journey:
Day 1 - Arrival in UB where you will be met at the airport and travel to the camp by 4x4 vehicle or domestic flight/private charter flight; alternatively you stay overnight at a hotel in UB and transfer by 4x4 vehicle/by plane on Day 2.
Day 2 - Transfer/flight to the camp as appropriate, preparations for the hunt and test shots
Days 3 - 7 - Fife days hunting but once you have bagged the trophies you booked, the hunt will come to an end and you will return to UB.
Day 8 - Latest return journey to UB; flight home.
Which game species are here, see above. Below you will find the trophy gallery for the wild species that occur.
Whichever game species you hunt, our local partner will make all necessary preparations to make your hunting trip quite unforgettable. You will fly to Ulan Bator (Uöaambaatar), Mongolia's capital, where you will be met by our partner. Depending on the time of your arrival, you will either travel onwards the same day or stay overnight in a hotel in UB and move on the next day. Depending on the game species you booked and the hunting area, you will travel either directly to the camp with a 4x4 vehicle or you will take a domestic or a private charter flight to the nearest airport, from which you will travel for several hours to your accommodation in the region where you will hunt. An English-speaking interpreter will be present during your trip.
During the hunt you will be accommodated in heated tents, yurts or in simple stone houses equipped with camp beds and a kitchen.
The hunt is an out-and-out mountain hunt in locations with poor infrastructure. During the hunt you will have to do without normal amenities such as a shower etc. You can wash in a mountain stream and with hot water prepared on a stove.
The chef at the camp will prepare all meals for you and your team. If you have any special requests for drinks please let us know before your trip and we will organize these for you. The magnificent scenery and the trophies you obtain will reward you for the comfort you will have to sacrifice during this trip.